Lower your Costs, Use Texts Instead of Phone Calls
Telemarketing, especially Robocalling, has made many people reluctant to pick up their phones unless they know who is calling. Amazingly, the online encyclopedia Britannica reports that people now do more texting than talking on their phones. There are 3 things to remember when thinking about using any type of company text messaging.

I. Using Text Messaging to Notify Employees.
Many companies are now jumping on board using texting. They have found that it
is an easy way to get in touch with employees without using the labor of having
an operator or secretary calling them. This can be an efficient way of
notifying employees of opportunities and of important messages they need to
follow. Many people prefer to receive notices from their employer via text
message instead of a phone message. Text messages can go where many phone
signals do not. Sending a text is a great way …