Sometimes our expenses can be more than our income and we find ourselves scrambling to make ends meet every month. You try to find ways to cut back and save money but there are some expenses that you simply can’t cut out altogether, like auto insurance. Each state law will vary on just how much auto insurance you are required to carry but across the board, it’s illegal in all states to go without insurance. Now, it is easier than ever for a policeman to see if you have insurance or not. They don’t even have to pull you over anymore to find out if you have insurance or not. They simply have to pull behind you, run your license plate and within seconds they will know whether the car you are driving has auto insurance or not. If you are caught driving without auto insurance you are more than likely going to get a ticket and no insurance tickets usually run anywhere from $250 -$350 and if you get more than one of those tickets, they can and will suspend your license. So, now that we know we can’t go without automobile insurance lets looks at some simple tips that will help you keep your premiums as low as possible and achieve your goal of cheap auto insurance.

Increase Your Deductibles
If you are looking to decrease your monthly premiums, then you can increase your deductible amount and your monthly premiums will go down. Deductible amounts are usually $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000 and $2,500. The deductible amount is the amount of money that you are responsible to pay in the event that you file a claim. For example, if your car needs repairs due to an accident, and the total repair bill is $3,000, and your deductible is $500, then you will have to pay the $500 dollars when you pick up your car and the insurance company will cover the other $2,500. Having a higher deductible will decrease the amount you have to pay monthly but if you ever file a claim make sure you have the deductible amount available in your bank account or you won’t be able to pick up your car when the repairs are finished.
No Rental Car Reimbursement
All insurance companies off rental car reimbursement but this will also make your monthly premiums increase significantly. Rental car reimbursement or rental car coverage is when the insurance company provides you with a rental car while the repairs are being done to your car. Sure, it’s nice to have this coverage if you are ever involved in a wreck but it’s not mandatory and denying this coverage will help you have a lower monthly cost.
Put Your Seat Belt On & Don’t Speed
Anytime you are issued a violation, whether it’s a moving violation or not it can and will make sure insurance increase. Speeding tickets and at-fault wrecks are the number one things that will make your monthly insurance payment go sky high. Just one speeding or one at-fault wreck could increase your monthly payment amount around fifty to sixty dollars per month. That is a huge increase when you are trying to decrease your expenses. Therefore, always remember to put your seat belt on when you get in the car and make sure that you pay attention to your speed at all times.
These are just some simple tips and suggestions to help you get cheap auto insurance but of course, only you know what’s right for you and your situation.