Your Guide to an Adventurous Vacation in Charleston, SC
Okay, I have to will. I got the thought for this trip after watching a chapter of Giada’s Weekend Getaways about the Food Network. What can I say, she did an incredible job of showing the neighborhood color and history of Charleston making an incredibly convincing case to visit.
Not that it takes much convincing. Charleston is often a city surrounded ever and intrigue. It went to live in its current location in 1680, so as far as America goes, it offers some history. A central time a lot of America’s history – after looking at and been the central player in a lot of the slave trade, the Revolutionary War, and also the Civil War – and sometimes ravaged by natural disasters including earthquakes and hurricanes, Charleston can shrug all of it off and its quiet sophistication. You can equally as easily dine in the room that George Washington, …
Your Guide to an Adventurous Vacation in Charleston, SC Read More