Defining Healthcare – Are We All Using the Same Definition?
While reading some online content the other day, I happened across a paragraph that gave me pause. The article was addressing the work of primary care providers. Nothing earth shaking in what I read until I saw a sentence that said we should ask the patient how they define health. WOW!!! This is a major point that we often overlook. Taking notice of this one item can explain a great deal about our patient’s health behavior.
Those of us who have chosen an occupation in the health and wellness field have been well educated in the classic definition of health. We study normal lab values, charts, tables and a plethora of other items that we use to define good health. Variations to these normal values are usually indicative of some disease process. When a healthcare provider sees a value outside of the normal, we have this deep, burning …
Defining Healthcare – Are We All Using the Same Definition? Read More